HEAL e-learning programme
HEAL is an EWMA-endorsed, medical educational programme supporting clinicians managing wounds and skin care complications. With HEAL you will get clinically relevant and evidence-based medical education through 10 general and specialised wound care topics. To provide you with credible and non-biased education, the HEAL programme is authored by internationally renowned wound care experts and endorsed by local wound care associations.
Through the HEAL programme, we offer both live seminars and e-learning courses. In these courses you will find videos, holistic assessments, quizzes and interactive tasks, to help you expand and strengthen your knowledge in wound care.
With the HEAL medical programme, you will deepen your wound care knowledge with 10 e-learning modules ranging from general to specialised wound care topics. These courses include patient cases and best practice wound management principles and guidelines. See the overview below.
HEAL endorsements
Through close collaboration with EWMA and local wound care organisations, you are ensured high-quality materials that are innovative, peer-reviewed and comprehensive. HEAL is endorsed by the following wound care associations: EWMA, Dansk Selskab for SÃ¥rheling, South African Medical Association, Wound Australia, New Zealand Wound Care Society (NZWCS)* and Seminaranbieter Initiative Chronische Wunden.
* NZWCS does not endorse any specific wound companies or their products
If you are a member of the NZ Wound Care Society you can register for the programme. Please send an email to the NZWCS administrator
Email subject line: Coloplast Heal Registration
Includes these details: Your full name and NZWCS membership number
For further information on the course click here
A practical summary for the management of wound infections and biofilms Click here
The Wound Care Pathway - Your 5 step guide to wound healing Click Here