

The New Zealand Wound Care Society Inc is run by dedicated volunteers across the country who offer their time and expertise free of charge.

The Society pays an Administrator who works, on average 27 hours a week, and also an Education Coordinator, 8 hours per week.


President - Rebecca Aburn

Rebecca Aburn 300Nurse Practitioner - Vascular

Employer:  Southern DHB

Professional Qualifications:  Master of Nursing - Clinical

Rebecca has a 25-year history of clinical experience in neurosciences, intensive care, vascular, diabetic foot, wound care, clinical education and district nursing. She completed her Master of Nursing in 2006 and has a great passion for nursing practice development.  As past Treasurer, Vice President and now President for the New Zealand Wound Care Society, Rebecca is involved at a national and international level in practice and guideline developments.

In 2010 Rebecca completed an advanced postgraduate certificate in clinical nursing. In 2017 she completed her Nurse Practitioner training and works as the Nurse Practitioner for vascular. Rebecca has presented at both national and international conferences. Her areas of professional interest are innovation to improve a patient's journey, lymphoedema, pyoderma gangrenosum, surgical site infection prevention and care of the complex vascular patient.



 Vice President - Sasha Drennan

Sasha DrennanProfessional Qualifications:  Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Science     

Employer:  Nurse Educator Primary Health Care

Sasha has 20 + years clinical experience in both the UK and NZ in several areas of nursing including perioperative care, plastics, general, breast and ENT surgery, district nursing and clinical education.
She is presently completing her Master in Digital Health and has a passion for nursing development that encourages best patient care and is vocal in her belief of how digital education and innovation can create care equity.
Having gained post-graduate qualifications in nurse education, perioperative care and palliation in the UK and emigrating to NZ in 2010, she has continued her post-graduate journey to ensure evidence-based care.





Treasurer - Kate O'Dwyer

 Kate ODwyerJob title: Nurse Practitioner

Employer: Cicada Health Ltd., Bay of Plenty

Professional Qualifications: Master of Nursing - University of Auckland

Bio: I am a Nurse Practitioner, employed by Cicada Health Ltd, a practice that provides medical care for 17 Aged Care facilities in the Bay of Plenty. In my day-to-day role, I provide medical clinics at several facilities. Under the NP scope of practice, I provide clinical assessment of residents, medical diagnosis, order tests, prescribe and much more, overall contributing to the quality of care and health of the older person.

My wound care experience and passion has evolved from many years of working in the Vascular and District Nursing fields, and the aged care sector. Combined with a strong education focus I am well placed to support the aged care facilities I attend in assessment and management of wounds. I am honoured to be a member of the NZWCS Education Advisory Group, providing a fantastic opportunity to represent the aged care sector and work with an experienced and passionate EAG team.




National Education Coordinator -