

Pressure Injury Clinical Resources


New International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline Will be Released in 2025!

We are pleased to announce that the EPUAP, NPIAP and PPPIA are actively working on the 4th Edition of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline. Release is planned for 2025. Follow our progress and learn how you can become involved at

The 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline continues to be the most comprehensive evidence-based guideline on pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment. Go to:


Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance

For the below resources go to the PPIA website  -  

  • Dark Skin Tone Pressure Injury Classification
  • Asian Skin Tone Pressure Injury Classification
  • Adults with Lighter Skin Tones Pressure Injury Classification
  • Multicultural Pressure Injury Classification
  • Older Adults Pressure Injury Classification
  • Neonates and Children Pressure Injury Classification


Pressure Injury Staging Chart

Click here to to download the Staging Chart

This chart uses information from The International Guideline 2019 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guidelines. For photo credits see page two of the chart.  Reproduced with permission.

Please read the permissions here if you want to use this chart for educational purposes.  

 Staging chart P1  Staging chart P2


Posters and Leaflets (ACC)


 ACC, the Health Quality & Safety Commission and the Ministry of Health are all committed to working together with the sector to reduce pressure injuries in New Zealand.

Preventing Pressure Injuries Poster
Preventing Pressure Injuries Leaflets

ACC has many leaflets in English, Arabic, Burmese, Hindi, Korean, Māori, Punjabi, Samoan, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Tokelauan, Tongan, Traditional Chinese, Tuvaluan.  Click here for the ACC link to either order leaflets OR download PDF

Language     View Online     Printable
English View / Download Print
Māori View / Download Print
Samoan View / Download Print
Tagalog View / Download Print
Tokelauan View / Download Print
Tongan View / Download Print
Tuvaluan View / Download Print


ACC - Guiding Principles for Pressure Injury Prevention and Management in NZ (2017)

Printed copies of resources can be ordered here:  Click to Order 

*Note: these resources are only available for shipment to New Zealand addresses. 

National Pressure Injury in Spinal Cord Injury

ACC has facilitated an expert panel to develop an evidence-informed pressure injury in spinal cord injury consensus statement, which has been endorsed by eight organisations. This is the agreed best practice for preventing, treating, and managing pressure injuries in people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Aotearoa New Zealand.

There was a need for a consistent approach to pressure injuries in people with SCI due to the unique characteristics of this community which create specific risks around pressure injuries.

The aim is for people living with SCI and their whānau to use the consensus statement as an advocacy tool for the care they should be receiving. Also, that it gives healthcare professionals (who aren’t specialised in pressure injuries or SCI) the ability and confidence to adopt best practice pressure injury prevention and management in their communities.

The next important phase of this work is to implement the consensus statement. Here, ACC will work with the health and disability sector to embed the consensus statement and effect system change. Through this process, the aim is to make a positive impact on the prevention and management of pressure injuries in individuals with SCI, particularly reaching ethnicities at higher risk of developing pressure injuries.

To view and/or download a copy of the National Pressure Injury in Spinal Cord Injury Consensus Statement – CLICK HERE

For the Te Reo Māori Pressure Injury in Spinal Cord Injury Consensus Statement - click here

For more information about ACC’s pressure injury prevention programme visit





Below are some sites that have information on quality initiative changes, packages & resources for SKINS/SSKIN care bundle and audit tools available.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement USA. Registration is free to access their documents. Search using “pressure ulcers” to find relevant documents.

Wales 1000 lives campaign: a national healthcare quality and safety initiative

Tissue Viability Online: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland pressure ulcer resource website.



Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries (MDRPIs)


Excellent posters and information is available on the NPIAP LMS (Learning Management System). You'll first need to register as a Guest. Visit and join as a guest. Once you have your login username and password, you can log into the LMS at

You can find the poster under Products > Images and Slides > Posters

A search on MDRPI brought up the following;

Posters: Pediatric Population MDRPI Prevention practices for prevention of Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries (MDRPIs) in Pediatric Populations and is free to download.

Posters: Critical Care MDRPI Prevention practices for prevention of Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries (MDRPIs) in Critical Care, and is free to download.

Posters: Long-Term Care Prevention of MDRPIs practices for prevention of Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries (MDRPIs) in Long-Term Care patients and is free to download.

Free MDRPI Prevention Posters
...on the best practices of Medical Device-Related Pressure Injury (MDRPI) prevention. They are focused towards the general population, critical care in Pediatric Populations ." 

Posters: Best Practices for MDRPI Prevention practices for prevention of Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries (MDRPIs) and is free to download.

Webinars: Medical Device Related Pressure Injury (MDRPI) Prevention--What's the Evidence?
2018 webinar presented by Joyce Pittman on MDRPI
Category: Products


Other resources:

NHS (UK) website with excellent resources & videos to educate staff in improving patient care.

Excellent free educational material

UK online Journal with a section for pressure ulcers

UK website in raising awareness in preventing pressure ulcers. Resources available.

NHS (UK) website with excellent resources on healthcare quality & safety including patient interviews

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel

Wound Australia

European Wound Management Association
End of life SCALE:

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (USA)