

Scholarship Terms and Conditions For Other Conferences

  • The NZWCS scholarships are open to current Full or Corporate Members only. N.B. Commercial Members are not eligible for these scholarships.
  • Have been a member for a minimum of one year at the time of application.
  • Have not been the recipient of a NZWCS scholarship in the past 24 months.
  • Have the support of your manager to attend the conference.
  • The scholarships will open xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  
  • The scholarships will be tenable for one year and can only be applied for in the 12 months following the announcement of scholarship recipients.
  • Applicants for the scholarships should be able to show that they are currently employed in an area where they conduct wound care as part of their role or are involved in relevant wound education.
  • The scholarship recipient will be expected to allow media cover of their receipt of the award and provide a report suitable for publication in the Tissue Issue/ or on the NZWCS website within three weeks of your return from the conference.
  • For smaller scholarships writing guidelines are available online which include detailing the benefits and knowledge gained from the conference. There are greater reporting requirements if attending EWMA.
  • An inability to attend the conference because of extenuating circumstances will require further discussion and may involve partial repayment of the award.
  • The scholarship may be held concurrently with another scholarship or bursary and is non-taxable in New Zealand.
  • Each award will be made on merit, taking into consideration the nature of the planned study/conference, how the participant intends to relate it to their own work, as well as the applicant's academic merit and participation in the profession. Scholarships for conference attendance will be strengthened by evidence that the applicant will be presenting a poster or oral presentation at the conference. 
  • Applications are to be completed using the online application form below. This information is sent to the NZWCS Administrator, who will coordinate a blind peer review by representatives from the NZWCS National Committee or Education Advisory Group. In any year, this group may refrain from making a recommendation if no suitable applicants are found. In the case of disagreement, the application will be reviewed by two other Committee members. The Committee’s decision is final.