Pressure Injury Advisory Group (PIAG) Expression of Interest 


Do you have a passion for pressure injuries?   Would you like to be involved in a supportive working group and learn more about pressure injuries? If yes, please apply to be a member of the Society's Aotearoa/New Zealand Pressure Injury Advisory Group.

As a member of the PIAG you will need to keep up to date with Pressure injury prevention policies and initiatives locally and nationally. You will need to be able to attend regular Zoom meetings and an annual face-to-face meeting, read the distributed documents and contribute to project work. The Group provides recommendations to the National Committee of the NZWCS.
This is a voluntary role.

PIAG Member Attributes:

1. Hold an interest or have experience in pressure injuries.
2. Have a positive and proactive attitude and can work within a team.
3. Be a current member of the NZWCS.

Please contact our administrator If you would like to discuss the role with any of the current PIAG members, someone will contact you personally.



Please include the following information in your EOI:

  1. Name
  2. Preferred Address
  3. Email
  4. Phone Number: Mobile
  5. Professional Qualifications
  6. Place of Employment
  7. Position
  8. List any potential or competing conflicts of interest to this role
  9. Tell us why you would like to apply for this role (max 250 words)
  10. Attach a brief resume.


Email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.