Education Advisory Group

Education Advisory Group

Education Advisory Group (EAG) Expression of Interest 

We are excited to be advertising for a new member to join our group. Do you have a passion for providing current expert advice on wound-related education and participating in education-related projects for the NZWCS members and stakeholders?  Would you like to be involved in a supportive working group, learn, and contribute to wound education for its members?

Role Description and Commitment

• Attend EAG EVENING ZOOM meetings (approximately 9 per year of 1-hour duration).

• Identify current issues and initiatives in wound care management and education.

• Work collaboratively to provide recommendations to the National Committee. 

• 2025 Education Project - developing and reviewing modules of an existing online wound education website.



• Be a current full independent member or a corporate member of the NZWCS (not a commercial member).
• Be a Registered Nurse or Podiatrist, or practice in another Allied Health or Health Care role working in the areas of Aged Care, Rehabilitation, Hospital or Community practice (all submissions will be considered).
• Hold an interest in or have experience in wound care educational programmes or educational communication media.
• Utilise your experience and knowledge to actively contribute to team discussions and projects.


Please include the following information in your EOI:

  1. Name
  2. Preferred Address
  3. Email
  4. Phone Number: Mobile
  5. Professional Qualifications
  6. Place of Employment
  7. Position
  8. List any potential or competing conflicts of interest to this role.  If any, please explain how you will manage these.
  9. Tell us why you would like to apply for this role (max 250 words)
  10. Attach a brief resume.


Email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.